Comments on OC rambles (How to find RP partners???) All Comments

I think your plot sounds great so far! ^^ RPing is fun once you get used to it, and it's a great way to make friends! There's really no certain rules but there's many different styles, I guess (I don't know how to put this rip). 

There's a version a bit like a script, like this:

Character 1: I like cake. Character 1 proceeds to eat cake.

Or there's the 'regular' version, like a book. "I like cake," said Character 1, who began to eat the dessert.

It doesn't really matter how you do it as long as you're having fun. RPing usually takes some practice to get exactly right, so don't worry about sounding goofy.

Oh goodness. Sorry I went all technical on you... ;;

Ahh thank you so much! I love making plots and worlds and characters.

No worries, I get what you're saying! Thanks for the info! I've RPed a little in the past so I've seen some different styles before (I usually go with the book version)

I'm mostly clueless on how to find RP partners? Also I can get quite anxious when interacting with new ppl. I'm so worried I'll scare them off or I'll be too pushy

Btw I appreciate the reply! It was a pleasant surprise >v<

I think that you'd be a great person for people to RP with! I often see you in forums/etc. being kind to others. You being you is a great thing!

People are pretty nerve-wracking, though. I often just socialize in spurts, and take breaks when I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed. I would enjoy RPing with you myself, but I'm not sure if I have the right kind of characters though... *shrugs*

I was pretty speechless when I first read this ;o; 

Thank you so much for the compliment ;;;v;;;; That's one of the nicest compliments I've ever received I feel like I'm going to melt into a happy puddle

That sounds like a good strategy! I should try that 

Oh I'm not really picky when it comes to characters! What's important are the interactions and relationships, tho I prefer relationships between humanoids. I'm not very good with feral OCs ^w^;

I never know which character is suitable to RP, so if you want to start a relationship between any of our characters, feel free to ask~

*frantically scoops puddle up and rushes to the freezer* 

aaa really? I don't really consider my characters very HQ, but I'd love to role-play! Can we PM about it or is ok to talk here? 

Humanoid characters are good to me! I have a few that deserve more love.

Sorry to keep spamming the comments ;;