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SCREE, I found you on here too, so many super cute characters oh goodness qwq

EY-O eeeee, I'm not even like 25% done? omg I'm drowning in character and I'm in love with all of them help. and I'm still making more. I'm a hoarder man. Thank you though <333 ; v ;

Oh nooo I'm a hoarder tooo I have almost 200 9it's a really bad addiction okay.. ) But I do draw all of them, dont get me wrong on that one though, I jsut have to go through cycles qwq;; You're really welcome though

I think I have around 75 ponies, just ponies, like, how does that even happen??? Your such a good owner, I honestly have only drawn 12 of mine. That makes me seem really bad but I try then i'm like dang nabit darn anatomy and i end up throwing the sketch away.

It's hard to do most of the time becuase I seriously have to force myself to wuit drawing certain ones jsut to draw others and sometimes I'll go like months only drawing one of them but I really do try man. and I dont know it's just like at one point I had almost 100 just dog characters OTL

Weew I thought it didn't go through soz