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Sorry for being forward, your art's got me excited.

I'm having a bit of trouble finding your commission prices posted publicly (though in several areas it says coms are open) and would like to potentially purchase art of the character I'm using to comment. He needs a bit of updating. I'm not happy with his ref. So for now... I'm not quite ready to make the deal. Give me a month or so and I will be. I plan on opening coms myself just to be able to afford you. In the meantime I was hoping for a guideline on what I could expect. Yes I can move to whatever social media you prefer to continue discussing this. I don't really use TH much and it looks like you might not either. 

Stuff like this and this. I was hoping to get something of a similar aesthetic. I want the piece to have an Akira vibe but if Akira was an early point and click game. Your style seems literally perfect so I'm willing to work with you for it.

I have a strong idea of what I want but would be open to discussion. You know your aesthetic best. Part of why I want a commission in the first place is because I feel like it would be healthy for me as an artist to see my design in a different style. It might help me chart goals for improving. So what am I thinking?

I want the character looking down on the camera a bit, angry. The shot would be like this (face on the right)/this (face on the left) with arcade lights illuminating the face. I don't need a background but if you had an idea that I jive with I'm willing to pay for that too. I love gore so gore suggestions are cool.

Like I said I don't use TH much so I'm not in a hurry to hear back. Just lmk where we can talk.

it's quite alright i'm glad you're excited about my art!
i don't use toyhouse much so please forgive me if i'm a little late, we can move this over to my email, or any of my social medias
i've messaged you the link on deviantart, but i'll link it here too but this is mostly a guide on how things may cost in general depending on the size but it does depend on the complexity of the work too, we can get down into the details in whatever social media of your choice.

you have a really strong sense of what you would like and if i'm right is Keith the character you would like the commission of?
we could have a background, but also it could be a great composition without it, what kind of backgrounds would you like this?
we could incorporate his expression getting more intense or the alien aspect into it depending on how much you would like to budget for this and how you envision it working! i'm very open to gore aspects too, are you wanting him to be on the reciving end or would you like him to be doing something to someone?
i absolutely understand what you're going for though and i'm very excited for it!