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I'd keep the name, Veral Lenos sounds fine.

Hmm I'd probably make them just a type of humanoid. One that just appears as we would classify a demon, but are not demons. The only magic the process is for the rings on their tails which they do not even control. It is unknown what the rings are for or can do, but it is rumored that they used to possess specific properties for each. Currently they are just a show or status and the number is mostly genetic. The least one of the species can have is one and the most is seven although both are generally rare. Despite not being shown to possess any other magical properties, those with a higher number or rings are still looked up to and tend to get what they want regardless of who they are. While ones with lower numbers are stuck in the lower classes.

The species skin can have several variants in color, tho never over saturated and tend to keep to more diluted tones. the whites of their eyes are naturally black and their eye color can vary in any color from each individual. Horns and tails are always black. The black colors can be white or pale if they have a pigment condition which is more common in this species than ours.

Veral, having four rings is in a lower class, but is not struggling like those with less rings.

Their folks argue often about mundane things. Veral has no idea how it got so bad or why they never left each other. He tends to avoid them in any manner he can to try to steer away from the arguments and to not cause one.

They are passionate about art, particularly drawing. Unfortunately going to an art school was out of the question on their budget so he just draws as a hobby. He is reluctant to share his work out of anxiety. He is not completely sure what exactly is making him feel nervous about sharing his work, it is just how he feels. Similar to his night terrors, he just wakes up in a panic with no definite cause.

He is currently seeking a professional that can help aid him in finding a way to cope. Veral hopes to someday get a handle on his mental ailments so that he can move on with his life.

His art and comic tend to reflect the feeling he gets from night terrors as well as from the fairly frequent arguments his folks have. Some times he personifies what they are arguing about and write from it's perspective. (laudry, dishes, food, some other mundane things not worth the extent the arguments tend to go)

[sorry types so much as i went on more came to me, I'm sure it has several typos and errors I'll try to fix later if needed and when I can]