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Aaa i love your style!! How much art are you offering?💖

well i could do a full body (with a plan background or a detailed on if needed)  and maybe a icon if you like! <3

That would be awesome! Could they both be of this guy?

I think he'd look rad in your style!💖

that's one cute oc!! and of course!! so im doing  a full body do you want a plan background or a detailed one and if so what do you want them doing? also! do you have twitter or discored  so when im done i can send them to you? sorry for the so many questions <3

Its alright love! And is a detailed background ok? Hes a ghost hunter so maybe have him walking through dark woods or ghosts floating over him,, idk something spoopy! 

My discord is saber_bytes#2199 💖

thx you! im working on ur icon rn <3 also sure! gives me a reason to try a dark forest for the first time : D ill message you when im done oki! im berryjam#8822 on discord (telling ya so you dont get confused on someone random messaging you lol

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