Comments on Cedar - $10 All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Ayyy thanks for the generous offer!

I would eagerly trade them for a bust of Mika and a halfbody of Hariberga. For Mika I like the expression you have on the examples, something like that would be great. Absolutely obsessed with body shape in your examples of halfbody! Please make one of Hariberga, I will request a one size down in the breast department and a simple black (or a dark shade of any color) tanktop

Let me know if you need anything else:)

got it! I'll start soon also for Haribega, would you like some kind of pants or underwear or just a tanktop for her?

Actually can it be some kind of matching croptop and shorts? Color up to you!

ah! hey, sorry I haven't given any updates yet, school is currently kicking my butt and I've been to stressed to do much :,

Hey there! Thanks for letting me know, I don’t mind the wait as long as you keep in touch:)

Good luck in your studies πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

aa thank you! also could I possibly move down to just the fullbody? it's 20$ alone, I totally forgot to mention that ^^"

7 Replies