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I absolutely love looking at Kipo's galley! Everything's backgrounds are so incredibly detailed and gorgeous! <33 Do you have any tips for making backgrounds? 

waa thank you so much!! ;0;

and hmm i feel like i'm not qualified to give advice but i'll try :'D

- avoid using any of the premade leaf or grass brushes, they might save time but they will look super flat and unrealistic ;u;

- use reference and tutorials! 

- i like to first block out the rough shapes and colors, then go into more detail! 

- ( this is something i'm currently struggling with ;D; ) not everything has to be so detailed! objects in the background will be less detailed. 

- i try to stick to one or two brushes, using texture brushes for each object will make everything look very flat ;o;

hope this helps a little! >u<

okie! ty <33