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I would name him Tayo. He lives in downtown Tokyo. He's kind but selectively mute. He's only spoken to his parents and very close friends, and refuses too talk to anyone else. His ears are very small, and he tries to hide them often, since he doesn't want to be defined as "cat-boy." His wings are small and can be hidden. The feathers often fall out when stressed so when he's taking finals the chair and floor are usually covered in pale white feathers. He has the handwriting of an angel and often gets accused of printing the words. he has really nice nails :0 He's super bad with people but has a bright personality online. He does streams (obviously without voice) and plays the best music. He tries to get up his confidence so one day he can talk on his streams without fear. He's never dated but has felt attraction before. He's pretty sure he's pan but haven't been sure because hasn't tried it out. He doesn't cook much but prides himself in making a dang good bowl of cereal haha- He's very touchy-feely, and touch is his clear love language. He loves watching streamers do their thing and wishes that he could be like them, haha- He has kind of a childish mindset, finding entertainment in the smallest things, like colouring books or a good book. He loves reading manga and watching anime, and has always wanted to write one of his own. He has a pet bird ( a small blue budgie named Momo) and a snake (pure white albino snake named Tofu). He listens to music 24/7. When he does speak it's a quiet, hoarse voice that you need to focus to hear. He enjoys (but is terrible at) sewing, and has made a (very raggedy) scarf before. He believes that clothing has no gender roles, and wears whatever he finds comfy, or that is a colour he enjoys (mostly lavender and red, sometimes black?). Tayo lives in a small apartment by his college with a roommate, Akarui, who is very close to him. Tayo calls Akarui Aka, and is one of the only ones he speaks to. They mess about on video games, play songs on instruments (Aka has lots). He is 5'5", and gets teased gently by Aka who is 6'. They commonly go on trips together, and get small souvenirs. (Aka owns a large gaming server and lets Tayo have mod, haha). Tayo often writes paragraphs to people on Discord, to make up for saying all he wants to say. He has a very soft temper, and pretty much never get's mad, only annoyed. He deos get sad, though- Aka assumes the "shoulder-to-cry-on-guy" position and lets Tayo get it all out. Aka owns a baby Siamese cat named Chiisai, but everyone calls her chiisai-san. He enjoys peaches, art stores, paint chips, and animals. He dislikes scorpions, scary stuff, interviews, and dead stuff. He sometimes does silly roleplays with Aka... He owns a surprising amount of cosplay and is very talented at cosplay makeup. (yes he owns cat ears, take this and leave). He is very unskilled at most sports but likes going for jogs. Aka is similar but incredible at shooting bow-an-arrow. He loves collecting stickers, and sometimes sticks them all over himself and Aka. He has an almost-nonexistent piercing hole in one ear from a dare in high school which he doesn't have the courage to use. He's normally not very competitive, but does enjoy friendly gaming competitions with Aka and others on the discord server.

Hehe, I had fun writing this! I hope I can get him, he is honestly so amazing! He would be used and probably be an alt. sona... ok ty bye :D