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Hello <3 I think I would like to name him Jude. 

I imagine he's kind of "the cool kid" that comes from a way more popular school and kind of thinks he's better than everyone else. Not in a mean way, necessarily, but he's got a bit of growing up to do, and he'll get around to it eventually. He's got very specific tastes in music, and keeps on top of his hair-dye routine like you wouldn't believe. Everyone assumes his cat ears are a headband, but nobody has ever seen him take them off, so who really knows? He likes to eat obscure foreign candies and sew a lot of his own clothes.

He would belong to my story Lethologica, primarily as a friend (or enemy??) to Caspien, Kaiden, and Finn. They are a tight knit group, and they've never really let anyone else into their friend circle. Jude would be the first to win them over, being just a year older but way cooler. I imagine he has a really smooth singing voice, and for three kids that always wanted to start a band, this would be really tempting. Jude would also befriend the trio of girls that occasionally hangs around- Luka, Fae, and Marianne. Fae, being absolutely infatuated with him and his aesthetic, would hope to catch his attention, which would mostly likely put him at odds with Luka. Whether or not they would all become friends or Jude would break the others apart would come out eventually in their story together :)

While all of the characters in Lethologica are human, and Jude would pretend to be human while he is with them, he would also befriend a few of my other characters who are secretly not-so-human as well. Julian in particular would be a somewhat begrudging older-brother-figure, though he would probably pass on a handful of bad habits along with his occasional bits of wisdom.

*I authorized you, so you should be able to see my charas. I currently have them hidden because I am switching them all to a new profile layout, so not all of the profiles are complete at the moment. Sorry for the trouble!