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Your gift is very much appreciated *bows*

( hhh no I meant the angle I took the shot, but thats neat to know!!! I shall one day be as good at this game as you, oh my master)


( Thank you, that's sweet. Apparently it's pretty easy for people to tell I'm a newer player though, I get kicked out of all the groups within like, five minutes.) 

XD well your really good in my eyes, my hardest thing is finding your way around. I had to jump off mountain just because I couldn't find stairs.

Aaa I remember those days.... for the record, you do know that if you press 'm' a map will pop up, correct?

hhh Ill learn eventually... Do you mean the minimap?? like the lil circle in the corner??

Nope, I mean when you press 'm' and entire map of the area comes up. It's much, much better. And if you run while having it open it turns transparent so you can see the map and surroundings while moving.

5 Replies