Comments on COMMISSIONS OPEN All Comments

- Type of commission: Custom Fullbody?

- Reference of your character(s) or description in case of a custom: i'd like to make an anthro form for this OC she is set in a post apocalypse world, clothes like this: hair like: markings/colors are the same and she's a coyote if that helps any :) she does have scars but feel free to give you what you think fits.

- Ideas for the artwork (feel, pose, expression etc.): She's from the post apocalypse and works for the "Rat King"

- Paypal info is provided through Discord or a note after I specify the price. In case of flat sale slots please include the email right away in a personal message. I sent you a discord friend request for payment (i'm zeve on there :) )

Replied on Discord, ty!)