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Hello! Could I offer some art for this guy? 

I can do headshots, busts, fullbodies and scenes 

Here's where you can find my examples: 

( you can tell me to do as much as you think is fair for the character ) 

Could you do two fullbodies and a headshot?

Yes I could! What characters would you want me to do?

Is James (fullbody) kurtis(fullbody) and cuvier(headshot) in my sonas tab ok?

Yeah! I should be able to get the pieces done by today or tomorrow 😁(Sorry about the tad late replies I think we are in two different time zones lol) 

FFJJR it’s ok!!!!!

I can go ahead and transfer !

1 Replies

Sorry for me asking, but I was wondering if you could switch out James for another character, I've been having a hard time drawing him for some reason 😅 I've already drawn the headshot and full body for kurtis, if you don't mind. Thank you!

Yeah that’s ok!! Could you draw Arizona?

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Yehahahahhhahah dude they’re all so nice

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