Comments on bos0rka All Comments

Your art is one of the most unique styles I have ever seen, it's soo pretty!! Is it alright to ask what program you use to draw?

aww thank you!!!♥♥ ;;_;; I use paint tool sai with customised brushes! I've been doing traditional for most of my life and switched to digital because I lack the time to do watercolours :( photoshop is wayy too confusing to me :_D

oh wow, I agree with you on the fact that photoshop is difficult, paint tool sai is so much easier and I use it as well, but like damn your art looks so professional I can't believe you use sai to create that magic, you literally inspired to play around more with my style too ahhhhhh

oh does it? Im far from a pro imo :_D but thank you so so much, I'm so happy to hear that my stuff actually inspired you in any way!♥♥♥
