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!!!! FAGGDJJWMX LYS!!! waves madly from across the room

SWEATS LOUDLY i write about them too much... it's so embarrassing... I WAS GOING TO UPLAOD THMEM HERE BUT HEAR ME OUT LYS!! i always write stuff on my iphones notes but... I DROPPED MY PHONE IN THE TOILET YESTERDAY... NOW ITS IN A BOWL OF RICE... IF THIS GOOGLE SOLUTION DOESNT WORK... they r gone forever. *looks wistfully into sunset* BUT IM SO HAPPY UR INTERESTED IN MY CHIDLNRHEJCBSKCNM

OOH NOOOOOOO!!! IM SO!!!! HEARING THAT PHYSICALLY MAKES ME HURT IM SO !!!!! I! mona.............. holds your hands tightly im so sorry ill be thinking of you and your phone and pray that rice god blesses us ... IM CRYING if it survives BLEASE show me id love to READ ALL ABOUT THEM!!!! 

listen ur always free... to hmu over discord or sth if u 👀👀👀👀👀 ever wanna 👀👀👀👀👀 talk abt 👀👀👀👀👀👀ocs 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 ok 👀 i gotta catch up to ur level and WRITE MINE MORE GGHGG i always like... ill write little notes or hcs and rp them but i dont have as much like WRITTEN prose ... that needs.. to change. 👀;;;;