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Hey! I have a question! Is it possible to change the background with a other color? Or with a image? Or to change the font? I'm new with all this! hehe (maybe like in 04 || Cutouts)

hello! Since the code is only available as Bootstrap Colors for now, adding custom colors and images involves a few more simple steps, but I'll try to explain as best as I can! ^^

to change the background of a certain container (one of the <div> s), you can add background: #hexcolor; / background: rgba(0,0,0,0) inside the quotation marks of style=""

This is for colors! If you want a bg image, you add background: url(); inside the style as well. To add images, right click on an image on the internet, select copy image address, and paste it inside the parenthesis of url( );

To change a font, you can add font-family: name of font; inside the style="" like the others! If you want to change the font of the whole thing, you can add it in the style of the very first div (the one with "container-fluid". There's only a couple of fonts that are available in regular Toyhouse, but if you get a premium you can use a lot more.

It's also best to check out to learn more about coding! I hope that answers your question! ^^

thank you so much for your answer! A friend of my helped me with some things and we did(they did it XD) this: I used this code for all of my ocs! I love it!)

No problem, I'm glad it worked out! It's looking really good! ^^ and thank you! :3