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Go ahead! Draw anyone you want to, as long as they have art! It’s gonna be amazing, seeing the finished product!

And yeah, I think that’s a really good tip for me to have. I’ve been working on art for like... frickin’ ever and it has always felt like I was getting nowhere. The way my art started was, well... awful, since the earliest drawing I remember was a dragon I drew on a piece of yellow construction paper when I was 8 (if I still had it I’d show ya, but no way has it been kept for that long). I have improved, but only recently (like, 13-15 y/o) have I taken it seriously. It’s always so painful, seeing everyone else excel while you trail behind in their dust... or maybe I’m just a bit selfish. But I suppose I can only really keep going, huh? If I had any advice for you, it’s to keep going. You can’t go anywhere unless you keep moving!

I’m so sorry, I feel like I’m being egotistical because I’m using I so much and talking about myself I’M SORRY IF IT COMES OFF THAT WAY KDJKNDHDOISHNHDUIISRKJFHIUHAAAAA

And that’s kind of a convenient turn of events! I hope you have a great trip! Where are you going, anyways? Would it be bad to ask if you could take some pictures?

School's been keeping me super busy, but I'll be sure to let you know when it's done :D

Very true, it can definitely be like so super duper discouraging to see people whizzing past you in art when you've been working at it for the same amount of time, especially if you're close with them shciksdjcj

I don't think so! I love hearing about other peoples' experiences, and I've known (and had to get along with) many a narcissist, so trust me - you're fine haha. I cross my heart that you're not talking too much about yourself

aaaa I hope I'm not unintentionally comparing you to a narcissist bc that's not what I meant I just suck at wording things hh

I went to see the Blue Ridge Mountains on the way to visit some family I hadn't seen in f o r e v e r, and it was beautiful! I don't mind at all! I caught some really nice pictures of the mountains whilst the sun was setting, hopefully you like them!


And yeah, it is discouraging! But a nice talking to with my friends helped me get over that. And drawing some headshots of my characters made me realize that I might be good at art, but that it’s only the beginning- I have a long way to go before I’m really good! So I just have to keep going. My abilities only gave me a headstart in art.

You know, I like to hear about other’s experiences too! As long as they’re not an ass about it, at least.


 And that’s awesome! I went to SC a while back, and when we were coming home we went through Chicago. I got some really good pictures from then, and I should upload them!