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Saw your pictures of Halo on a thread. She’s a beauty! Also, I saw the pictures of you being thrown while show jumping, which got a good chuckle out of me. I can only imagine that hurts a lot though! Were you alright? Also, is there any general procedures on how to get back up and keep going, or is being throw kind of a curtain call?

I don’t know much about horses, but I’ve always thought they were pretty cool creatures. Would love to learn more.

Aw thank you so much!

With that particular fall, we were both ok and I was (surprisingly) not even bruised that much. Usually at shows, they don't let have a second chance which kinda sucks. But sometimes they'll use the same course for different classes so if you've signed up for a bunch of classes then it may work out that you get to try the course again. Like sometimes I'll be in 3 different classes and only have to learn 2 courses (which is always pretty nice because it's stressful having to learn them). 

Anyways, thanks for the message. I'd be more than happy to talk to you about horse stuff if you ever wanted :)