Comments on Californication All Comments

Hello! I really hope I'm not annoying you since all you turned comments on scratch off, but I really just wanted to say thank you for drawing my character, Sonder! She looks so cute and I've always been a really big fan of your art. So yeah, thank you!

Have a lovely day! ^^

aaa gosh no ur not annoying !! tysm !! I'm a big fan of yours as well, a lot of ur characters n art r really good ?? i admire how you can make your art look cartoony but realistic as well ! n also u remind me a lot of a kid i used to know n was really close to so nyjdkfjkk ahahaa srry if that's weird

anywho ur very welcome ;;v ;;

You're welcome, and thank you so much! <3  And no, I don't think that's weird. ^^ 

ayayaa np !! < 33