Comments on ($35) cocoa All Comments

Hi ! I know you said in the hashtag you don’t wanna trade her away 💖🥰🥺 Bit do someone form my characters/cs interest you ? It’s okay if not !! 💖👀

You know, i was thinking about saying something snarky or telling you that you needed to trade all your howltars for this character, but I've decided against that. I don't think its productive or fair for either one of us, so I'm gonna get to the point

If someone has a character that says "NOT FOR TRADE", what compells you to ask?  Do you think that somehow the person will make an exception for you?  Do you think they'd happily hand over their beloved baby just because you asked?  What if that's their sona?  Or a comfort character?  What if you offered on someone who had a lot less restraint and a lot more anger than me?

I'm not gonna assume anything about you, because I don't know your life story or what you know about the CS community. But i do know you've done this to a bunch of different people, some of which being my friends. And that's not cool. I don't know if you got that already from the tone of my message, but its not cool.  Characters can be NFT for ANY reason, and going around begging people to give them to you is immature, inconsiderate, and rude.

So the long and the short of it is: no, cocoa is not up for trade and probably never will be. Please read the tags of a character before trying to offer. Thank you.

OHhh I am sorry ! 😞 ...