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Monsters are things to be feared. Children are taught to behave, that there's the monster in the closet, the beast under the bed, the creatures that go bump in the night. They all are evil and are out to get you. They lurk around every corner, looking to spirit away naughty people, young and old alike. However, there are exceptions to the rules.

In a world where people grow up into the average Joe or train into an avid monster hunter, this exception to the rule is something that a few of the hunters are starting to figure out. Not everything is cruel and evil. Some things can be cute and helpful. Such as this particular monster. He doesn't look that fierce or powerful. If anything, he's cute and rather fluffy like a teddy bear. He's warm and goes out of his way to help people that get lost, only looking to help. He wants to see people caring for each other, feeling a love of any type. It's what he lives for, but it's hard to deal with this when those that believe in his existence, the ones that grew up to hunt him, want to slay him just for what he is.

((I'd be looking to RP him in a setting with a monster hunter.))