Comments on Tomy Graves -hold All Comments

hey i can offer art? im interesed

Lovely art! However, Gravy is dear to me, and I'm not sure art alone is enough for hims,,

How about 2 drawings and 2 customs?

M.. Have any examples of your designs / previous customs?

realmente no muchos! ya que las que hago por privado! ¡pero mis ocs originales son ejemplos en sí mismos! también créeme! ¡Lo intentaré hasta que te guste el diseño! ¡Estoy abierto a críticas y opiniones sobre los trajes! ¡asi que! ¡prueba!

Tell ya what.

Give me a day or two to think about it?

If I don't respond within 24 hours, just tag me or message me, ya?

I sometimes forget things. 

Hope that works for ya, I gotta really think. Especially since I'm unsure of what I'd what in a custom. 

Will you let me know what you can, can't, and won't do?

12 Replies