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ahh //is embarrassed// I want this one to have a better homee, I'm clearing out my ocs I'm hoping down to about 30.. but idk I'm letting everyone just sort of offer whatever ^^' I really need PayPal rn haha

nno im actually oka with it !! <3 dw!! <3 I don't rlly hav a pay pal, but how much are you lookin for in pts?

ahh idk, however much you want to offerr?? if you don't have points, maybe we could do a trade with this one for the one that's pending for me + the art hahah XD jk jk alhflruhfwelfh

I said you could note me idk if you saw it?? I'm up for whatever themes you have in mind for the character I owe you ^^

yeya i saw it ;; v ;; I just need to collect some moodboards nstuff ;;v ;;

ahh ok!! sure ^^

How much were you thinking in terms of points?

5 Replies