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Bellatrix is definitely very ambitious lol and she's more like her grandfather than her fathers but she's very kind when she likes you~

Rho would likely respect that drive, but she's more of the sit on the sidelines and cheer quietly. However, I think she would totally relate with Bella's issues with being dark-colored in a fam of pale-coats. Though I think she'd totally be down for hanging with Bellatrix X3 Pen-pals or meet-up-for-coffee and a chat sorta freinds. Maybe gossip about cute boys or something

Bellatrix would definitely enjoy the change of pace and chance to bond with someone who's a bit more like her in coat and everything else~ pen-pals would be to cute too especially while bellatrix travels

XD They sound like such cute buddies! I'm sure Rho would love to hear about all of Bellatrix's travels when she gets back, and she'd love to have someone as interested in books and learning as she is!

Dear Bellatrix,

I got your last letter late, I hope your ship is well on it's way and please do send skectches of the mainland when you get there. Also, have your read this book  . . . . .

Dear Rho,

I've found the Snowcaps to these wild mountains are indeed very snowy whilst here. I've found an older book from a few centuries past that you may be interested in and will send it with this letter. Another interesting find was a book on pressed flowers also very old though i'm not sure how old. There appears to be a signature on the back and all the flowers are labeled i've also enclosed it for your viewing. I've left a few sketches in this letter on the animals and foliage i've found as well as a rough map of where i've traveled. There's also another map i bought at the local pub but it appears that it may not be as accurate as they said. (I, unfortunately, got lost for a day or so using the map). As for the book no I have not read it, right now i've been entrapped in the book, "Of Kings and Swords" which is rather interesting history and lore of old long-since lost royal families from the Eastern parts. I hope this letter finds you in good health. Another small token i've left is some tea made from the locals here. It's quite fragrant and is supposed to bring health and luck to those who drink it.

Best Regards and I look forward to your next letter,


Dear Bellatrix,

I have been enjoying both books you sent with your last letter, though the pressed flowers where not appreciating the travel, I have been able to repair the binding. The book's age did not allow for the most graceful of postal it would seem. I do hope that you didn't pay too much for that defective map and you where not thrown too far off of your course. I am sending a book enclosed as well, a trade I suppose. 'Watership Down' is not the usual reading I go for, but it seems to be the history of the jackalopes on the mainland and I thought you might be interested. Likewise, the tea was one of the most wonderful I have ever had. I cannot say that my Luck has increased, but I can say that it was a relaxing and lovely tea with the hintest of a spicy after taste, thank you! This 'Of Kings and Swords' sounds familiar. I do believe I have seen it in our library here. I will read it and perhaps we can compare notes when you return home. Finally, I have enclosed a fresh set of quills and some sweets my Miss made. 

Best of Wishes and Travel Safely!

PS If you happen to meet any Phoenix in your travels, do ask them about their acclaimed healing abilities and if they happen to work on those born with disfigured bodies? I ask for my Miss, of course. Thanks!