Comments on Okay ehhhh controversial possible question All Comments

i think it would be fine? it's rly gross when people use art, especially art they got through trade or gift, as some kind of bargaining chip?? like "my character has MORE art, so it's not fair" even though, often enough, they never actually did anything to accumulate that art themselves? and tbh, a lot of people don't even mention the art they have when trading. i, for one, sometimes even don't keep art that the characters were traded w/ because it's not my style or clashes with their new personality/story. so!! tldr; if it's yours, i think you have the right to ask whatever you want of it.

Yeah I hate seeing that like- I was trying to be nice, not so you can take advantage of my work. And actually I'm struggling with that like Sija has nice art but it in no way reflects his current personality whatsoever and I've been hmming and hawing over adding it (even though I bought the art with the design) LOL