Comments on Okay ehhhh controversial possible question All Comments

IMO it seems quite fair for you to place those kind of boundaries on gifted art, since it's your work and the recipient has the freedom to accept the piece along with your TOA, or decline? There's bound to be varying perspectives and assumptions around what it means when gift art is included or excluded from a transfer, so since that's all subjective it's definitely a good thing to communicate upfront what your own terms are! If my understanding is correct, it's a similar case to raffle art, and raffle adopts or gifted adopts, which are also situations where I've seen the subject come up and people have different ToA's.

And it might be worth considering putting those ToA up somewhere so that the condition doesn't get lost in anyone's inbox history, just in case! And if you're really worried, it might be worth it to add a decorative gift-themed phrase somewhere on the piece or color-code your artist signature (or signature outline) specially for gifts so that it can be easily identified as something that was a gift in case years pass and the risk of the recipient forgetting if it was a gift rises on accident.

Do you think it may be a good idea to ask people if they accept fanart and then if they say yes, proceed to ask them to look over a ToA to see if they're comfortable with my terms gift art wise and that they understand them?


I think that makes a lot of sense to do! That way, on the off chance that the user isn't comfortable with those ToA, they can decline before you've actually put time into making the piece? That way if they have a different take on things, no one has lost any time and neither party is put in an awk position!

You could even condense the back-and-forth so that the follow-up question is in the first message, something like: "Hi! I'd like to draw fanart of __, but would you be comfortable with these ToA for gift art?" so everyone is on the same page from the get-go, if that makes sense?

I hope this goes well for you!