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can you ask alazel why she blocked me? I don't know what I did to her. we used to be really good friends, and it just kinda seems like she's upset with me out of nowhere :(

i wasn't trying to be annoying, but it seems like i mustve have been to her.

 we hadn't talked in ages, and when i was just trying to reconnect with her, she'd always delete my comments like nothing happened. and i get that maybe she was trying to keep it organized, but i really don't know, this is also another small thing, but she unfollowed me on duolingo as well, so it has to be something more than merely being annoyed on toyhouse. i'm sorry for just ranting on your wall- i just have known her for almost 4 years, and i'm confused why she's mad at me out of the blue. tysm if you can get her to tell me?-

Oh? Of course i will. That's weird? Hopefully there's a reason for doing so. I'll let u know what she says when she gets back to me 👌

alright, ty!