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995 Queen's Rangers(Rogers), Huitzilo 6539 & Eli Marston 9369 Preacher & Washington was a quiet night around Mt. Vernon Estates. Nothing out of the ordinary happening. Washington had made the last rounds in the barn, checking on all his horses, turning off the lights and heading to his study. It was nearly midnight when he was about to retire for the night.

...Preacher, was the appointed watchdog of the barn, always getting out of his stall each night. Tonight, he seemed alittle more spooked than usual. He could hear something in the wind, much like a very large bird overhead. The stallion snorted loudly, something was here.

...Eli had been traveling through the area, his stryx, was growing weary on their journey. They had touched down in a forest to get some rest, giving Eli time to go looking for food. It was late, they had been on the run for days, it felt like it was dragging on forever before they would find a place to call home. Eli came across some patures, the horses likely locked up for the night. He descided to pop in to see if he could find something to eat. He saw one horse, at the end of the alley, looking out into the night. Eli put his hand up on a stall door only to be met with the warm breath of another staring at him. The horse seemed unafraid of an intruder.

...Rogers had seen a figure sulking up to the barn late at night, the stallion had grown bored of his new home. Now all he was doing was picking fights with the higher-ups. Rogers wanted something new in his world and this could be his ticket. He waited curiously in the shadows as the man snuck into the barn. He was in the last stall away from everyone because all he wanted to do was fight everyone. He approched the stall door as quietly as he could, looking down at the man who was too preoccupied to notice him. He reached out to touch his hand. Beckoning him to let him out. He was ready for an adventure.

Eli thought this would give his stryx a break, as his bird didnt have to carry all the weight. Quietly, unlatching the door, keeping his eye on the other horse at the otherend of the breezeway, Eli opened Rogers stall. He was suprised at how quietly the stallion walked out from his stall, He reached up and grabbed the halter next to the latch and both snuck out the back.

...Preacher looked up to see his master turn out the lights, all the strange sounds had settled out into nothing and he turned around to go check on everyone. As the stud's eyes adjusted to the night he noticed a door open. He nickered into the night and walked over to see who was out. Ears pricked forward as he heard hooves trampling off into the night. He rounded the corner to see Rogers and another man walking down the pasture fence. The Stallion let out a scream and tore off towards the house.

Washington ran out to see Preacher pawing at the porch steps - beyond him he could see the shadows of a guy and one of his horses runing off into the distance. He quickly ran to the barn with Preacher to grab his saddle.

...Rogers and Eli had made it into the covering of the forest before he threw on the halter and led the horse to his stryx. Huitzilo looked over the new comer to this band of theives. Rogers had walked close to the giant bird and seemed to size him up. Zilo snapped his beak and stood up, showing the horse that he wouldnt be easily pushed around. Rogers scoffed and dipped his head in greeting. Eli walked over to the bird and tossed him a large rat he had found on his way up to the barn. He Put out the small fire and adjusted the packs on the back of Zilo. In the distance he could hear Preacher's screams, they were far enough away to have a decent headstart. Eli ran his hand over his stryx's neck. "It's 'iat boy, it will be lighter 'ere on out." Eli turned to Rogers and jumped on the studs back. The stallion shook his head and started to prance. "Let's git outta 'ere fore we get shot."

Rogers took off down some side trails as Zilo preened before launching into the night. The Bird let out a chirp as he saw Preacher and Washington heading in their direction.

... The band was able to stay ahead of Preacher and Washington for most of the night and into the next day. The forst giving them decent cover but Preacher had caught onto the giantbird flying overhead in the distance. They had made it to a canyon just at dusk. Stopping for the night the trio made camp a few miles into the ravine. Washington had stalked them for quite awhile before he realized it was his troublesome stallion that got into this mess. Preacher and him stood quiet for a good while watching them unpack for the night. Preacher was biting the bit, as he could never keep Rogers inline and now watching the stallion relaxing with the horse theif. Preacher snorted in frustration.

Huitzilo had been off searching the skies at night for a meal, on his return he had spotted Washington and Preacher overlooking his masters camp. The Stryx let out a warning screech into the night. Rogers head shot up - looking up at Washington and Preacher. Eli Grabed the stallions neck and both tore off into the night. Washington admitting that it was best to let them go - stayed up on the ridge. Preacher, danced in place as they ran father into the canyon. Trying his best to urge Washinton to give chase, but he was tired and realized it was for the best. Rogers was known to swtich sides and he left Washingtons care just as he came to it. The both headed home as the band of theives was lost to the night.