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Heh sorry ^^' I shouldn't have lied, i guess. but its easier.

I know...but I've found it's even easier to be open about how you feel and not actually care about the effect it has on other people. I think you'll find that very quickly you'll learn who your true friends are, because they'll still love you all the same and try to help. Everyone else is irrelevant, because you don't need more shit in your life when you've already got enough.

So, do you wanna tell me what's wrong?

Honestly... i would if i could. but i dont know myself.

and thank you for the offer. it means a lot.

Well I'm always here if you want to talk. Just remember that we all love you dearly.

Also, my boyfriend really loves your art and he said he'd watch you on DA but he doesn't want to weird you out.

thank you... that means a lot.

^^' i get randoms on there all the time. he's more than welcome (though idk why anyone would want to).

Just after I sent that message he went and watched you XD

But seriously, your art is amazing.

I was just wondering, would you maybe like to do an art trade? I can't really draw ferals, I suck at it, but I could maybe draw the girls for you, or like a Chiizupaw humany thing or something?

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