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Japanese sparrowhawk 100%

i have a big habit of saying '_ is one of my favourite birds'. i say that about every single bird. though, if you made me pick one, Japanese sparrowhawk every time. my main character i made like 8 years ago is one (a little hybrid but sh)

I have that habit too, like, I think I could pick a single favorite bird, but if you ask my opinion on a species, I just HAVE to say that they're a favorite! Sizuo is an insanely neat lil' guy, and sparrowhawks in general are super-awesome, so 100% absolute good taste there. I personally find it hilarious how perpetually-shocked small hawks look, like... just LOOK at that face, that's the face of a bird questioning how on earth this could've happened

that image is amazing. i remember a while ago someone asked me what birdi liked and i accidentally wouldnt shut up about birds, maybe on purpose, who knows. Theres so many birds and i have a reason why I like every single one. Any time id hate a bird is like a bad rendition in media. I hate the Angry Birds 2 movie LOL. Sometimes in a conversation id randomly bring up birds, i try not to, but it just happens. I think im rambling but i take every chance i get to talk about birds.

Oh, gosh, good ol' bird rambles, accidental destroyer of many an acquaintance-ship✌😔 (But who needs friends that won't appreciate cool bird facts anyway?) And yeah, Angry Birds 2 was... like... it seems like what'd happen if you vaguely described a bird to someone who'd never seen one before and then asked them to make a bland, formulaic kids' movie based on that description. I'd argue that Rio's a pretty good family-friendly bird movie 'cause the birds are actually recognizable as being based on certain species and act reasonably like actual birds, (except for the fact that they dance, talk, carry human accessories and commit minor acts of terrorism)

i LOVE rio, i think you can probably tell by my pfp. ive watched it 30-50 times in my lifetime so far... help me. Nigel is my favourite character from fictional media. anyway, who needs friends when you can have birds. I feel so bad for my boyf because he always hears me talking about them LOL but he probably doesn't mind. This is weird to say in the middle of a convo but I'm really enjoying talking about birds with someone haha

Dude, Nigel is GREAT! I used to be really irrationally scared of him as a younger kid until I realized that 1. he's fictional, 2. even if he wasn't, he'd have no reason to cross a whole bunch of state/country borders specifically to attack me and 3. Cockatoos in general won't attack you unless you're bothering them. I think my personal favorite bird movie is Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole-- it's definitely not at all faithful to the books, but it's got owls and that's enough for me! And don't you worry, I'm 100% sure that your bf likes hearing you talk about birds, and I'm having a great time too!

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