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hi! I entered your raffle and i said i liked your characters. I meant it. Let me tell you, I fan girled so hard when I saw this character and showed it to my older sibling. I screamed. I love this character so much and would like to offer characters from my TH, unsorted and pending offlimits. Honi is my favorite but a few I also liked where: and . ( I love the soft-looking characters you have omg ). You might not accept any characters that I have, but if you did accept a character for honi i would drop dead, and I would be decently happy if you accepted an offer for on of the others, but my soul would leave me if I got honi. Honi will be added to my dreamies list if you decline ( which I have no dreamies on there because usually I dont like a character this must ). ty for allowing my eyes to look at such a cutie omg bihgrejvndchu9.

hi! tysm for offering but i didnt see anyone i'd use :3 
