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same though, I mostly listen to rock however I'll listen to songs that fit my characters or sum >:D

I'm going through a HUGE Metallica phase, I love their music :sobb:

What's your favorite song by ac/dc? 

I can’t decide- Back in Black, Hell’s Bells, and Thunderstruck!

Although Moneytalks is rad too

Hells Bells I must say is my second favorite, I absolutely love Thunderstruck and it's first on my ad/dc favorites list :000

Thunderstruck is great!

What are your favorite Metallica songs?

For Metallica my favorites are For Whom The Bells Toll, The Unforgiven, Enter Sandman, Fade to Black, and Nothing Else Matters

For Whom The Bells Toll is my very favorite qwq

Those are awesome songs!!

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