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sorry for the favorite spam!!! ur OC’s r all so lovely :”0 I was actually curious tho!! I wasn’t entirely making sense of your tagging system so sorry if I’m misunderstanding anything so I figured I’d ask directly, but of the ones I favorited would u look at offers on any of the ones I did favorite? sorry if my comment makes you uncomfortable or anything!!

oh gosh thank you!! I don't remember what you faved since I already cleared it but here is a little guide if it helps!
forever homed- not going to trade anytime soon
nft- not likely to trade but you can ask
tent- okay to ask
offers okay- I want it gone p much

Alrighty!! In that case, let me link you the characters I liked from most interested to least, and you can tell me who you’re most likely to trade and etc!! (Fair warning, there’s a lot) (Most interested) (Second most interested)

I'd be most willing to trade dooble, stary, or orange.. the others are unlikely but it all depends on what you offer tbh ;v;

I can offer pretty much anyone in my th!! only offlimits are both mains folders, nostalgia, “oh, you know” and roleplay OC’s, as well as anyone tagged forever homed!! :00

I hope I navigated this right ^^; these are the only ones that peaked my interest (willing to trade multiple for)
just let me know how tent you are on trading them!

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