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I dont know if ill exactly mount farm like i have on my main rven though i know like 90% of the unsynced fights and 80 ex fights minus the weapons (well i know diamond weapon) and i started kn e9s

Thats fine, I have most of the non-gwiber mounts anyway. I've done most of the 80's extremes and Im working on putting a static together with some of my friends for e9-12s, but it's slow going/ Nowadays I mostly just fuck around and wait for new content to drop


Lol mood, though if i get other jobs i play leveled on the character i could perhaps fill?

On my main im decent at sch/gnb and im working on finding a dps i enjoy so i can be pretty much an omni fill

Maybe! We'll see how it all comes together, it's still up in the air. 

Ohh, I main Paladin and Machinist. I like easy classes so those two are basically all I use, though I am somewhat decent at Astro too, but I've never used itin high end content


Well lmk the time of day you normally play and timezone and i will at least pay you a visit on there haha

I know my AST is 70 and they are a femroe. One of my favorite characters i have made fo far

I also do enjoy pal and mch, pal was actually my first job when i started playing again a few months ago! Ive always been a tank main honestly

ITs pretty sporratic honestly, I dont have a good set time :c Probably tomorrow after 4pm ct?

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