Comments on Buzzy Feline Adopt All Comments

do any of my characters interest you for him?

Possibly Goldenfluff? I can see him fitting into my greater universe of characters. If you'd like something more then just the cute little buzzy feline I can throw something else in or draw something/someone for you.

Show me some art examples please and tell me what kind of art your offering

I'm not too good at shading so maybe 1 to 2 characters without shading. My most recent work has been through the breeding tickets. Heres a few of them:,, and . You could also have a breeding ticket rather then art or in addition to it if you'd like. You can find more information on them here if you'd like.

I accept!

Can you draw them?

(There siblings. Fox is Nonbinary and Dingo is male)

Aww they're both adorable. Would you like them in the same image or separate ones?

1 Replies