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Ahhhhhhh I loveeee themmm!!

I can offer anyone from my uft and adopts folders! As well as most characters from my tent folders! (There’s just a couple Im thinking of keeping)

Hey there! I kind of like this guy but I'm not a hundred percent sure yet ^^;

I understand! ^^ I saw you also favourited another character, I could do both of them for this one if you prefer that?

Aah I really love that one but I've never been able to find a use for merms T^T

Is there any chance you'd be willing to do and ? If not that's totally okay I know its a lot. Or if you see someone else and we could do 2 for 2?

(also feel free to ping me Fehn - its my main acct and I'll see your message sooner! <3 )

Hey! I just wanted to say sorry for over-asking ^^; I think I might just not be quite ready to let this one go and I was trying to justify it but came off as kinda greedy & shitty.

If there was anyone else you were interested in to balance out the trade, let me know! Otherwise I think I'll pass for now, but thanks for the offer! <3

Oh sorry for not replying! I’ve been really really busy recently! I was gonna say I’m totally happy to trade both of them for this bab, I definitely think it’s fair! I’m just so in love with this character and I have so many ideas to use them for!

if you’re still interested, I’d definitely be down to trade! its not shitty or greedy! 

I understand tho if you don’t wanna trade them, but if you do, I promise I will treasure them!

Ah if you're sure I would love that! I really appreciate it, and likewise- I will treasure those two and take good care of them! <3

I'll send this one over right now, I hope you enjoy <3 Thank you so much <3

2 Replies