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Kez: Hey there, I just wanted to personally apologize for my associates, Garrick, and in particular, Criven's, actions. You look like a smart guy, too powerful and busy to be dealing with lowlives like them. You are just the kind of clientele the Brezak Lounge Casino caters to. *hands shiny gold business card* if the stress of being a glorious sith is ever too much for you to take, come on over. You can rent out an exclusive gambling room and bar, in which you can both invite and exclude whoever you want. Not a risk taker? Don't drink? We got you covered. Just sit back and relax in the lounge, listen to a live band and treat yourself to the finest non-alcoholic beverages money can buy, for the cheapest price on the planet. But wait, it gets better! Purches the V.I.P pack to show everyone how much better you are than them! This pack includes free drinks of any kind, a droid follows you around to wait on your every need PLUS you get a relaxing massage! We don't take bribes and it's been 72 hours since the last brawl, an all-time record for anywhere on Nar Shaddaa! Thank you so much for your time sir and I hope to see you soon. 

Fvexxt: A walking pop up add? You really do see it all in the empire. Yeah, I will definately not be doing at least 99% of that, I have too much....sith work to do.

Kez: I didn't mean to impose, but, if I may be so bold, yer starting to sound like a jedi, sith. All work, no play. If yer ever up for doing that one percent you where talking about, c'mon over. 

Fvexxt: My version of fun is torturing people until they talk, not going broke in some casino

Kez: I can't help you with that, but a few jedi, er, some 'Tessack' and another I think called 'Brewsen' come in here. Now, the last fella is giving me some trouble, questioning the legitimacy of my fine establishment. I could say, look the other way, if you just so happened to run into him here. He's not a normal jedi knight, he's some fancypants keeper of knowledge, I'm sure he'd have plenty to say if ya got him talking. 

Fvexxt: *figures the only way to shut him up is to agree* alright fine.

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