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I would absolutely love to have this girl! I might change her name to something else or change is slightly? Possibly Amoli Tea or Darjeeling (I probably butchered that spelling)? I would keep her age as well as her gender. If I were to get her, I would put her in an MLP kind of world where she would own and run her own tea shop that is very popular in the town in which she lives in! She's actually the first in her family to pursue a job outside of the family business of coal mining. She prefers calmer pursuits such as meditation and the crafting of fine tea. If I were to get her I'd both write stories for her as well as draw and get art of her! As for why I want her, I've actually gotten into owning more ponies and I'm starting to build my own sort of MLP character world with the ponies that I own and I've been after a pony to run a tea shop or some other area where my other ponies could hang out.


Personality wise, this girl is quite soft spoken as well as quite calm. Not much really phases her unless it's something absolutely major like...a war. Then she goes into all-out panic mode and all that calmness goes out the window. Amoli is very kind and friendly, but she often has a hard time actually making friends as many other ponies believe that she is very reserved and removed; that her interests are merely part of business. Amoli is also quite ambitious, wanting her tea to be the best tea in the world and for it to be something that people from all over come from miles just to get a cup of one of her tea flavors.