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Wheeze- A complicated greeting of me saying hello-

oH okay- i was confused at first

anyways long time no see gamer, how's everything doing right now

been doing alright- I just got back from the server since like- may? Got confused on where you at tho- until I saw u not in the server now-

Now Im just making adopts for a bit- then take another long break-

ohhh, im glad to hear that you're alright

and eyup, i'm not in that server anymore, took a huge step back from that server and the game itself, distanced myself from both of them, and gave myself a long break

now god knows how long i'll slumber in my grave until i rise up and return to that hellfire
 but for now, i'm afraid to go back there anymore so uh... yeah 

I would ask why- but considering how I, myself, have been dragged into a drama(Though it was voluntary). I'll just say that I understand and you dont have to explain any further-

And sleep all you want- Stock on em 'fire' resistance potions before diving to the pits of hell-

Though- Im a bit sad that when I came back and saw you were gone- then realize I wont get to see your awesome characters and cute art- TwT Its like Shian was my last character I bought from you-

yeah... thanks for saving me out from my misery. i don't really like talking about it <:'|

and ye, i'll stock on those fire resistance potions alright LOL

and ouf, i'm very sorry that you felt saddened seeing that i'm gone from that server 

but well, since you're finally in toyhouse and found my profile, it's not the end of the world for you anymore lol
i mean you're still able to see my latest art of my existing characters and me uploading some new ones as well, so i guess that's a win win

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