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magic item: Paradise Lost Legendary Instrument/Great Axe, Requires Attunement by Bard

an instrument with licks so fine it could rankle heavens and split the cosmos, this stellar iron guitar has been bestowed by a god to aid in the quest of a troubled aasimar who was barred out of the heavens until it was complete. That Aasimar set himself out on a noble quest to change the lives of helpless individuals and to use paradise lost’s mighty powers to rock the world so intense that all who hear his tunes will know his name.

This Guitar counts as a Great Axe when used in combat. Paradise Lost for all intents and purposes is indestructible, when struck it''s chords will never fray. Carrying with it some unique properties

Casket Tremor You throw down a slick chord that stirs the souls of the dearly departed. You can rouse the dead to come to your aid.

As an action during your turn, you can bring to life a pile of bones or a corpse within 10 feet of you as if they were under effects of the Animate Dead spell. These animated figures will turn to dust after 1 minute of being brought back to life unless the caster has a deep personal connection with the deceased creature, in which case the normal rules of the Animate Dead spell apply.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.