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Arachne is a hairdresser, she enjoys talking to her customers and is very friendly! Despite this, however, she does have a mean streak towards anyone who's rude and bugs her. When she isn't using her many arms to work, she's giving advice to her friends. She does not take kindly to anyone who stereotypes her to be similar to her more deadly counterparts, though if you're a smaller bug watch out! She's a bit of a biter.

She lives in a small cabin at the edge of town, she would have it no other way. Arachne hates having to depend on others, even if she really needs it. This can cause her to become lonely, but all's the same to her. Her species, the Cyriopagopus lividus, or Cobalt Blue Tarantula, is going extinct anyway. She'd rather not worry about that sort of thing.

ahhh okay i love what you wrote for the two of them. you've won!

both of these characters come with extra art. spider babe has one extra piece (which is a colored fullbody that i'm super proud of ngl) and mosquito chick has one as well (a chibi with a different color scheme). there are three ways we could go about the transfer.

1. i can transfer the design now w/o the art, and just send you the other pieces later
2. the transfer can be delayed and i add the art, then transfer the design
3. i can transfer the design without any of the pieces

lmk which you would prefer!

Thank you so much!! Im glad you like what I wrote :D

I'd like the second option, please!!

sounds good! i'll private their profiles so only you can see them. fair warning though - it might take some time for me to upload the art because i've been having some issues with internet access orz

Alright!! That sounds perfectly fine to me, no worries!!