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Woah your art is awesome ^^

Wanna do an art trade sometime? c:

perhaps! Got some design trades stacked up rn but I'll get back to ya later on if you're still interested hehe

Sure thing, sounds good ^-^

Just let me know whenever haha, thanks :D 

Man I'm so late to the party but!! my lateness is fashionable, ya still up for that trade?

No worries mate! I'm heckin' late too xDD (sorry about that, bahaha)

But yes I am 100% up for that trade :3 If you're still up for it of course ^-^

literally. forgets. to reply like an idiot every single time i try(I am very much more available on discord don't mind me 3)

yEAH i am still up!! if you are, haha ^^' Whaaat would ya like me to do for the trade?