Comments on Lovacia Morphis All Comments

oMG iTs a pastel colored hEArtDOLL! Thank you for hosting the WTA! I'd definitely try for her once I have spare time c:



welp no time to edit lol, thanks for the opportunity! if another WTA is hosted please don't delete this ^^ I'd like to continue it and make it better and add this lil cutie too

First of all, before I start; I’d like to say that your characters are all very lovely. I love how you give them all unique names and that they belong to some stories. And heck I love your writing style, it’s really relaxing to read them ;w;
And I’m really happy to see that my character is at a better home! This is the character that you now own. And I love that name, “Griffiths” - very unique.
I’ll probably have a hard time writing this WTA because you look like a professional writer o.o And I assume that you have high standards for our WTAs also because since these characters are all still very dear to you. But nonetheless I will try my best! Thank you for hosting this WTA and giving us a chance to write for them!

And that’s enough lmaoo - to the WTA entry now :3


Name: Lovacia - I love this name, definitely suits her, also because of the fact that she’s a Heartdoll. I’m keeping this as her name if I seem suited to have her ;w;
Nickname: Lovey
Age: a young Heartdoll - teenage years for humans.
Personality: Sweet, loving, out-going, caring, fashionable, perfectionist, and needy

Lovacia is a very sweet girl. She loves helping her friends in the doll and plushie shop! She is very fashionable, she has to dress up perfectly and keep her pigtail curls puffed! And she has to look cute, pretty and the colors have to be pastel. Lovacia hates being ordered around - which is why she never had an owner because most people found her annoying; also because Heartdolls leave /dont want the people who give out negative vibes. Now she has a new owner and she has her own shop for dolls, plushies, and knitted items! She's now overjoyed to finally have an owner AND especially since Elena loves her. Basically anything cute, pastel, and aesthetic looking~ Everything has to look perfect for her, but at the same time she doesn’t boss her friends around rudely. She simply asks nicely and if they’re having troubles she’ll gladly help and teach them; anything to make her owner feel happy! 

Size: She is a normal sized Heartdoll (25-35cm)

Elena: Owner
Justin: Best friend


Before I start the story, I'd like to keep it similar to her original story if that's okay. So all you've written won't go to waste, also because I really love her Biography section you wrote :3 very interesting~! So to separate it, I've made your part into Italic and my part as bolded.

Lovacia's Heartmaker was a young woman. Timid and bad at processing, doll making was one of the only things she excelled at, and she poured her heart and soul into doing it. Eventually she created a rabbit Heartdoll that seemed to have a surprising attitude, even though she shared the love and generosity of all heartdolls. As such, she was advertised as being for sale just like the rest, in hopes of bringing someone happiness.

However, Lovacia simply would not sell. In the store the woman shared with some other Heartmakers, doll after doll went to new owners, and Lovey was just not one of them. No one knew if it was her personality or just the woman's work, but it made the doll extremely sad. She felt like she was unwanted as a heartdoll, and it left a dent in her self esteem. This was only worsened by the fact that the woman was sad as well, feeling unworthy as Heartmaker. 

But good things were still in store for both of them - by miracle, someone new came in who had never heard of heartdolls. Her name was Elena and she was in need of companionship because she's been bullied in school. It seemed that Elena adored the concept and history, and to everyone's great surprise they immediately zeroed in on Lovacia. She was thrilled to be going to a new home, and swore she would be a good and loving heartdoll for her owner. 

It soon became clear that Elena was not only a very broken soul, but actually a sweet one with several talents. The two were also exactly similar in personality, with both love dress ups, making dolls and plushies and knitted items, pink, pastel, cute, aesthetic, candy! Lovacia never once felt ignored or rejected, as Elena would carry her everywhere and talked to her constantly. They also had the patience to form a solid bond, as as they searched for their heart's calling, the two became inseparable as owner and doll.

It was Lovacia who lead Elena to Justin. It began at school, when class A and B had to do group works in pairs. This excited her extremely - this was it! This was who they were meant to meet!

Her precognitions were further confirmed when the two seemed to hit it off rather well in spite of the awkward meeting.

It made Lovacia extremely happy to watch Elena and Justin grow closer and closer overtime. Justin was the positivity and friendship Elena needed in her life, and bringing the two together was their purpose as a heartdoll. Seeing them become best friends gave her joy, and it still does as she watches them grow. She continues to bond very well with Elena, and is to this day their closest companion and beloved doll.

Now this looks like I've copied your work, but don't worry cuz because of this "mix" I already have my own story made up that connects with this^ one!

It all starts when Elena entered highschool. She was heavily bullied as a new student because of her "weird passion"; She loved kemonomimis, which is why she knitted her own ears and tail, doll & plushie making, knitting and aesthetic items. They found her REALLY weird, and her school somewhat hated animal lovers (reference to the Heartdoll's origin lore) so they shunned her out. Everyday she was bullied, she never had a friend - but fortunately she was smart and she's in Class A with a teacher who secretly loves animals. 

A few weeks have passed and Elena's teacher called her to her classroom after school. And she told her about a shop that sells Heartdolls; she knew that Elena would be very interested in them.

After that, Elena rushed to the shop where she met a very kind woman who was talking with a very cute rabbit-like Heartdoll. The woman told Elena about the Heartdoll's history and concept, and she loved every inch of it. Their origins, Heartdolls these days, Appearance, Materials used to create them, Taking care of them, their powers and so on. And on that point, out of all the Heartdolls in the shop, she picked Lovacia; the Heartdoll that was never loved by any customer.

The two bonded very easily because of their similar passion. They made dolls, plushies and knitted items together for Elena to sell in her very own shop. Elena would always make Lovacia new clothes if she wanted new ones and then they'd play dress up because Lovacia is her "doll". So Elena would comb her hair, tie them to pigtails, curl it and puff it. She'd let Lovacia pick whatever clothes she wanted. When it's bedtime, Lovacia would change into her nightgown and sleep with Elena. And in time, Elena's broken soul is slowly mended by the love and care for each other; They love each other so much as owner and doll.

One day, Class A and Class B had to do group works in pairs. And on that moment, Lovacia brought together Elena and Justin. Their meeting was rather awkward at first, esp when Justin saw Elena's knitted kemonomimi features. He thought that the people here hated animals, him too; because he's a kemonomimi. Days passed and they bonded quite well for meeting just recently. Because of this event, Elena was no longer embarrassed using her knitted kemonomimi features; instead, she was proud using them, as its a symbol of her friendship with Justin. Also because she highly supports and loves kemonomimis and animals so much. Lovacia was overjoyed as she succeeded in making her owner happy.

Together, the three best friends would create dolls, plushies and knitted items. Lovacia was very proud to watch Elena and Justin grow together. The three bonded very well, and to this day they are together the closest owner and heartdoll.


Man, who doesn't love Heartdolls? They're all cute asf! And Lovacia in particular is the cutest I've seen so far! I love her pastel colored pigtails and her bells! It's so cuteeee and I love her dress as well, suits her personality and appearance. And I like how the [idk the name of the clothes] cloth is only on one arm and one leg xDD Also because Lovacia and Elena's has some similar traits; eyes are exact opposites, both hairs end with pink, both are blue and pink colored, both has hearts and bows!


Most of it is already explained in "What I like about her", but why her? Heck I love all your characters, they all look so cute. But believe me or not, I clicked on Lovacia's profile last because I wasn't expecting a HQ character from her profile picture. So I basically judged too early from profile pic and when I read that she was a heartdoll and I saw her other art I squealed and immediately commented on her comments section xD and I only chose her and her alone to write for. I actually wanted to write for Lovacia and Terakeyl, but I limited myself to choose only one because as you've said in your comment in the Freebie Bin; these characters are very dear to you, they're either mains or sub mains that are not in stories/standalones. I also did not want to write for many so I won't look like I'm greedy for characters, that's why I picked Lovacia out of all the characters.


I'm just gonna go straight to the point. I don't actually "use" characters because I do not RolePlay ;-;; For my characters in general, they all have their stories of their own and I love to give them art. Most assuring example is my sona and she has exactly 50 art pieces. But if you see into each of my characters... I've never wrote for any of them, because I don't know where to start ;-; Writing isn't really my passion so I struggle at it ;-; So here's what I can show you to prove I take care of my characters even though their profiles have nothing but I know everything about them because I own them and I love them with all my heart. Characters not mentioned here are the ones that do not have stories yet.

Brianna // Diana & Chase: Sonas. No story.

- Elena & Justin : I never had ideas for these two, but the only story is the one I've written for this WTA.

Kuro & Shiro : These two own a flower shop. Idea obtained through Species concept; LeafEar.

Max : He's a badboy, had a dark past of abuse and bullying and having no parents, which explains his dark appearance, the scars and shattered soul gem (Ameyxi species)

Halwyn , Frost , Flame Crystaffin , Sea Breeze , Rubidian , Minty , & Sunny : They're all in the same World - Dragon Sanctuary. Halwyn is one of the Caretakers. Frost was found after a blizzard. Flame was rescued from a dragon fighting arena. Crystaffin was found in an abandoned crystal mine. Sea Breeze is the protector of the woods (Etherkal species lore). Rubidian is an old dragon, retired from pulling/lifting wagons and heavy things. Minty was found crying on a beach. Sunny no story yet, I just got him.

Azure A yeti monster, yet a princess in an Ice Kingdom.

Yuko : Always sleepy 24/7. Every time he sleeps he travels through the galaxy.

Ithuriel : Currently a WIP. I'm about to turn her into my BnHA sona. She's an Emitter type, two quirks. Light and Dark, and in addition; wings.

Kin Hoshiko : A ninja who can emit light from the stars.

Fandor : A fire god, ruler of a Fire Nation.

TBN (no name yet) : A shy girly boy that works as a photo model.

TBN (no name yet) : A siren who was cursed into becoming a human. Shells are her siren identity, the wrap over her eye hides her "Siren" eyes. She now becomes a DJ instead for her love of music.

Thank you so much for this opportunity! Even though I win or not, I sure did enjoy writing all this!

Oh my goodness . . . Even if it turns out you don't win anyone . . . do know that this praise means the world to me . . . I've not been feeling the best lately and felt bad about the quality of my writing, so this lifts my spirits like nothing else . . . Thank you so much . . .

You shouldn’t feel down about your writing! Everyone has their own potential and everyone has a chance to prove themselves tbh ;w;

And you’re welcome~ xD Hope you feel better! Would you like to join a Discord group I’m in tho? It’s a group for Artists, Writers and Musicians! KingCharis and akishiba (two other people from the Freebie Bin) are also there!

In the server we help each other develop our skills ;w; Or even when we’re down or stressed, the server is always there to help ya ;w; (Unless everyone is asleep)

Though it’s not needed if you don’t want :3 I’m just suggesting if you need help in lifting up your spirits QwQ

Honestly, I would absolutely love that . . . I'm always happy to meet other artists of any kind, and would definitely enjoy getting better . . .