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There's hope for me yet. maybe. AND YEAH THAT'S TRUE. honestly medjed's popularity in japan is extremely funny. they just. saw them on an ancient egyptian scroll and though it was so funny that it just became a meme and now they're. an fgo character.

yeah actually...I've noticed people usually pair ozy with nito in the "when you think about one, you think about the other" kinda way! now if they ever do come out with an ozy nendo it'll either be like. in the next year or like in the next 5.. 

yeah!! I know the pain of loving a character with very little merch that aren't stuff like ... bookmarks or clear files... The amount of characters I'd KILL to have a figma/nendo of is wayy too many orz. Besides dakis taking up a lot of space, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of like...questionably posed/clothed nito dakis