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ScorchedPoet is being very nice giving his codes ^^

Oh, I didn't know you used to roleplay. That's great, feel free to post in the groups whenever you want.

I did a little tutorial for people to know how to RP in a Toyhouse World:

If you have any question just ask ^^


He sure is. :) 

I can't remember if I mentioned it or not. xD But yeah, I used to roleplay. Before the site got shut down I was very close to spending four years on it. I managed to find a few other Rp sites, but the main one I use now is Canterlot Avenue. Funny enough by roleplaying I got a lot better at writing and spelling. Back in school, I wasn't really that good at spelling nor was I that good at writing, but once I got into the fandom of MLP? I started to Rp, I improved a lot on my spelling and writing and I can't forget that I have written a couple of stories. ^v^ Anyways! I am looking forward to roleplaying on this site. Hey, maybe Eirik can make his delicious hot choclate for every Wilding. ^w^

Thanks, Aurial. ^w^ *huggle* I really appreciate it.

Yeah, it has helped me to improve my writing and spelling too ^^

There is also this "wider"  World:    It is for the entire Polar Wilds while Mirror Lake is centered in the Nerensis city nearbies. 

We'll have some fun with these worlds ^^


I finally got started on writing up a small (but knowing my luck it's gonna be big xD) A script for page 3 on Lesa's Pokemon adventure.

I sent a world request. :) It may take me a while to get used to the city names. xD Just because I'm just used to writing Pony cities.

I will. ^u^I know one Rp I got in mind. Nemirel meeting Eirik. He's the only Wilding (I think apart from his family) Who knows how to grow coco. He's chocolate boy after all~

Best cocoa farmer and chocolater boy ever ^^

"Working on a farm is hard work, but it pays off in the end."

2 Replies

Haha, cheers on that! Better more than little. But I feel you, I sometimes try to make it simple but then end writing pages and pages XD

Good ^^ I don't think it will be any problem, I don't know any name and still XDDD

Oh yeah! :D a RP about Nemirel and Eirik would be awesome ^^

No worries. ^u^ Nothing is simple these days. No matter how hard we try to keep it simple or small? It turns out not so simple and many, many, many words later. xD


^.^ I shall start/create a forum/thread/Rp. xD It certainly would be. ^w^ I bet Nemirel will be curious on how he manages to grow the cocoa plants.