Comments on MYO 03PYUKO #258 All Comments

If you wish to check the ownership history of the 03PYUKO please refer to this excel sheet.
Please reply to this comment and use the following form when transferring ownership. If you do not have a toyhouse or dA please put down another platform you use.

Previous Owner: ( Username for Toyhouse and Deviantart)
New Owner: (Username for Toyhouse and Deviantart)
If resale, appraisal proof/confirmation is needed!
Confirmation/Proof: The other party needs to confirm, preferably with a direct reply, if not screenshots.

Previous Owner: nail

New Owner: Pokibloodfallen

Method of Transfer: trade

Confirmation/Proof: ML hasn't been updated in forever but all the history is there 

It seems there has been a transaction without an appraisal proof notice beforehand, from here on out we would require an appraisal proof (which can be obtained afterwards too) before it changes owners again. We understand that was not an error on either of your parts but we would like to make you aware to avoid future issues with this design. Thank you for understanding!

We will update the ML shortly.

Previous Owner: Pokibloodfallen

New Owner: AriaHideaki

Method of Transfer: trade

Confirmation/Proof: me

