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Is anyone else having issues getting the music player to work? I think I'm doing something wrong I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, here's what I have in my code, any help would be appreciated!

"iframe src="" {Without the '>' so it actually shows the code}

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heya! The first few parts should look like this: instead of because that's the original URL of the Youtube video, and it won't work embedded in the code unless you use the first url. You should replace URLHERE with N-oERBst8L0 instead!

It worked, thank you so much! I apologize for my mistake this is my first time really messing with codes that let you add stuff like links. I tend to miss or overlook thing, but thank you so much! Have a good evening!

It's all good, don't worry about it! I'm just glad I can help ^^ good luck! It gets easier with practice! Have a good evening as well! :3