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"Primrose Bloome, you're presence is required."

With a sigh, Prim followed the attendant, gripping her wand in intense stress. How could she have done this? That girl's family was dead and she was to blame for it. But it had to be done, she had no choice. If she was to gain the powers she needed to save everything then she had to do what the grand ruler said. As they approached the door Prim took a deep breath, as she knew it would be a while before she would get a breath like that again. Gritting her teeth, she stepped into the room.


Primrose Arcadia Bloome was born to two magical parents, making her as purebred in the magic system as they come. From the start of her life. there was something wrong with Prim. She was mute for the first 13 years of her life, refusing to say a single word. She would do many odd things, she'd draw strange pictures in her magic studies books, she'd scream at night, and many more things. On her 13th birthday, one word managed to escape into the world: "Crescent."

From then on Prim seemed to be "normal", no one understood how it happened. Prim started making friends and doing normal things that normal teenage girls do.  Well until she was 16, she wanted more out of life, she wanted power. And the way to get more power had stepped right in front of her.

It was a simple mission, kill two people that were "threats" to the grand ruler of the wizards and witches. The reward was a magical crescent shaped charm for her wand, the charm gave it's user a huge boost in power and spirit. So Prim set out to kill these two threats.

It turned out that the threats had a daughter that was only two years younger than Prim, her name was Dolly and she was absolutely heartbroken at her parent's death. Prim left the house having to see the girl crying over her parents, and the thought of what she had done really sunk in.


That's my WTA entry!