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I would prefer to trade the characters and/or pets on cs! I go by the same name on cs and all of my rares are up for trade!

hi, so I had a look, the worth of the art you offered before would be around 260 c$ would you be okay with doing this pet most recent value seems to be 140 c$ + 3'10 rares? please lmk if I'm asking for too much or if you have something else in mind

That sounds fair to me! Im away from CS for a day or two, though, so it'll take a bit to send them to you ^^'

alrighty! once you send the trade I'll transfer honey

I cant seem to find you on CS, what is your ign? :)

my username is nothing

I apologise if that message seemed blunt I didn't want to put a ! mark in case you thought it was a part of my username lmao

3 Replies