Comments on Lyoki All Comments

Comment entries Here!

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1 and 2!^^

Faved Nyra and Cirux!

3 and 4!

Fave and comment :)

# 5!^^

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faved nyra and asmodeus!

7 and 8!^^

Faved Bylyrix and Kip, thanks for the chance :)

9 and 10!^^

Entering! (Faved <3)




I'll try this out n enter ^^

Faved ^^
And I faved Vael(D9-005) and Kip ^^

Thank you for the chance ^^

13 & 14!^^

Faved this Character!


Faved ks a cool bean 

16 :D

Faved Kip and Aspen! Thank you so much for the chance, I really love the design ^^

17 and 18!^^ and tysm!

Faved this, Nyra and, Katsu

19 and 20!

Faved this char + Pidge! Tysm for the chance, I love neon designs! ^^

21 and 22!^^

Damix and Carmine!

23 & 24!

Favorited Pidge and Kenai!

25 and 26

Heyo! You're the winner!^^ I'll transfer 'em over now!





Faved Riot, Pidge and Asmodeus 

Really awesome design! (Faved this guy too)

28 and 29!^^ tysm!

entering ! Faved asmodeus and damix !

30 and 31!

Faved ^^


Just faved this character ^^


Faved this, Laxus, and Kip!

(Sorry for being confused earlier! ><)

No worries! 34 and 35!

faved this as well as a few others including aisuru and pidge!

36 and 37!^^

Posted in the wrong comment just now rweuvnjrf

Though i faved this, Riot and Nyra!
Thank you~

38 and 39!