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haha wrong? what do you mean? apple juice is very clearly superior. (also jeez am I late to this debate) 

KHDBHSHBK thats ok lol anyone can be as late as they want here ^_^ but unfortunately you are incorrect... orange juice is superior!!!! i will not elaborate but i know i am right >:3

well I WILL elaborate. orange juice is untrustworthy. you cant see through it! there could be bugs or other... unpleasantness in it, and you wouldnt even know! but apple juice is nice and clear, just radiating its purity.  apple juice also objectively tastes better and is nicer to drink than orange juice; its more similar to water which makes it... im actually not sure where this is going but IT IS. so yeah. that's my bullet proof and multi paragraph argument on why apple juice is better than orange juice

HMMMMM that is quite an interesting argument you have there...... i must say that i now have new fear when drinking orange juice uhhhh BUT i respect your opinion! i personally think that orange juice is simply more flavorful and more fun. you can do a lot of things with it like DRINK it and BAKE stuff with it and YEAH!!! i could never produce as good of an argument that you have but i will get to your level one day mwahahaha

tbh apple juice reminds me way too much of pee HVDGVGAHVSGJ

haha yeah, i mean its just drinks. there are more earth shattering things to worry about. I can respect orange juice... i guess 

and yeah that's probably true for a lot of people-

true...... tho best juice has gotta be pomegranate or pineapple for suuuure (if lemonade counts then thats definitely the best)

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